Rinske Brand

Rinske Brand

Founder & Partner BRAND The Urban Agency

Rinske Brand is a marketing strategist and a brand urbanism advocate. She founded BRAND The Urban Agency in 2007 with the vision of helping businesses, brands, organisations and local governments to create impact in the city and its communities. With unrivalled insights into the preferences and needs of urbanites, the BRAND-team delivers compelling campaigns, events and actions that have a lasting effect on those communities. The work is broad and varied, and includes (re)branding, activation campaigns, place branding, events and conferences. BRAND works for municipalities, ministries, architects, real estate developers, cultural institutions and commercial brands. But whoever BRAND works for, profit or non-profit, they are all driven by the same passion: the love for the city.

Watch Rinske’s Tedtalk on brand urbanism via: http://bit.ly/TedXRdam
Interested in the possibilities of brand urbanism? Read the blog via: http://placebrandobserver.com/brand-urbanism-partnerships-brands-cities/